. http://the-lesser-evil.org/radio/
Christmas tunes from Papa's vault; warning, some adult humor and possible Yuletide moronitude
Available tunes subject to change at the Missionary of Music's whim.
Merry Christmas!
christmas tunes from papa's vault; warning, some adult humor and possible yuletide moronitude .
available tunes subject to change at the missionary of music's whim.. merry christmas!
. http://the-lesser-evil.org/radio/
Christmas tunes from Papa's vault; warning, some adult humor and possible Yuletide moronitude
Available tunes subject to change at the Missionary of Music's whim.
Merry Christmas!
perhaps some here would like to expound on why it is ok for witness kids to watch the classic film "wizard of oz" but harry potter is out?.
aren't the two the same thing?
a fantasy about another realm?
I loved "Wizard of Oz" but the movie is far different from the book it's based on. I loved all of Baum's books as a kid. Although I watched the film practically every time it was televised since I was three years old, and loved it, I felt the books were far richer and darker than the Hollywood version. The Disney film "Return to Oz" was much more faithful to the books; Siskel and Ebert panned it, complaining that is wasn't as sweet and light as 'the original film.' Obviously neither of them had ever read Baum's books; "Return" was wonderfully faithful to Baum's Oz.
"Harry Potter" was remarkably faithful to the book. My ten-year-old, who has read all four books at least six times, gave it a huge thumbs-up. It's a great film with an amazing cast.
For a fun fun evening, try doing a 'Dark Side of Oz' party. You watch "Oz" with the sound turned down, and play Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' as soundtrack. You start the cd at the MGM Lion's third roar. The synchronicities are incredible. Simply restart the CD when it ends (the second half of the film has less weird coincidence than the first but it has its moments too.)
As always,
Mommie Dark
just wanted to see if this works!
gotta hide out -- right now the judicial committee is after me!
and everybody i know and love is a witness.
Polly: Welcome to freedom! You seem to have the intelligence and innate decency to come through this transition in fine shape. You are NOT alone! Please remember this: those 'elders' have only as much power over you as you give them. Here is Mommie's best advice: keep doing what you're doing. When they call, be polite, and thank them for their concern, and tell them you will call them if you want to talk. If they 'drop by', don't invite them in, but simply say 'sorry you caught me at a really bad time, I'll call you when it's convenient for me," and close the door. Then don't ever call them.
You're on the right track hon. Don't let them discourage you. Life is not to be feared. As Professor Dumbledore told Harry Potter, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." JWs live on a thin gruel of promises of better, future times. Or to paraphrase Auntie Mame, "Life is a banquet and those poor bastards are starving to death."
One more quote, from Baba Ram Dass, "Be Here Now."
You may lose the conditional love of poor deluded JWs, but you will find true friends and a meaningful life outside that small closed community.
The real world, warts and all, is a fine fine place. Welcome to it Polly.
As always,
Mommie Dark
just wanted to start a day early in wishing everyone a very joyous solstice.. this time of year has always seemed rather magical in a way - the shortness of the day, the lack of light, the so-obvious connection with the earth and solar system that it reminds me of.
you pagans will all understand what i mean.
somehow i've managed to get to a party of some sort at this time of year for the past few years, and i'm headed to one tomorrow night.. i also wanted to say that this board, and h2o before it, has been a huge help to me over the past two years.
Have a joyful rowdy Solstice celebration...
a happy Christmas...
or whatever holiday floats your boat...
and may all the tightassed prim Christerbabblers enjoy their frowny disapproving joyless whinging days and nights while the rest of us are partying with our beloved friends and family!
Love and big sloppy mistletoe smooches,
Mommie D.
found in mommie's files:.
you put me in a box.
when i was eight years old.
Thanks for the lovely remarks... (((Dana)))
yes Undine I am doing better, except for the smeggin headaches that keep recurring, but I am hanging in there and as you all know I am too mean to quit.
Merry hohoho to all who want holiday cheer.
found in mommie's files:.
you put me in a box.
when i was eight years old.
Found in Mommie's files:
You put me in a box
when I was eight years old
stripped me of Christmas ornaments and birthday candles,
varnished the box with Bible study,
lined it with the close black satin of the fear of God.
Armageddon dripped down the walls,
bloody Revelation, fiery wrath--
God's vengeance for killing Mommy, I thought,
thus excusing the wicked spikes of perverse touch,
the horror of Daddy's hands.
I pilloried myself for your sins, justified your crime.
You crucified me and left me in that box.
The box was pried open, the spikes beaten into tools,
but oh! the longing the need to
stay in the box
hide in the box
die in the box!
But now---love has ripped the black satin shroud to rags.
Give me the light,
the clean, the white,
the absolute clarity outside the box.
I will use that box as a planter
for Christmas cactus and holiday flowers.
Happy holidays, dear ones.
out of the box
let's paint a little picture.. it's spring 2002. at 1200h gmt a radio and tv announcement is broadcast on almost all conventional frequencies, in appropriate formats according to the medium and the area.. it's from a bunch of pale violet humaniods who have come "in peace for all qw'z'x>kind".
they say they want to meet up with the un in full cnongress.. disbelief rapidly turns to amasement when cnn and other news-services provide footage of a large alien vessel descending into the river near the un.
large in this case means 5km long... and wisely, none of the sac jets sent to have a look pull a will smith or anything stupid, although one gets nudgeed gently away by an invisable beam of some sort when it gets too close.. let's say it becomes apparent the aliens are utter benign, happy to hand out technological aid, scientific knowledge, and hope to welcome the people of earth to your typical peaceful federation of planets (about 5,00 different species all told).. how do you think people would react?
Abaddon honey, have you read Damon Knight's story "To Serve Man"? Altruistic aliens come to earth, give us cheap energy and a cure for cancer... why are they so anxious to take care of us? They have a handbook to which they refer regularly. UN translators work feverishly to translate a stolen copy of the book. They finally manage to crack the language enough to get the title of the book... it's 'To Serve Man'. Wow! What altruists!
Aliens offer vacation packages to humans, take them on big ships for intergalactic bonding. Humans swarm to sightsee the universe.
As a group of dignitaries prepare to board ship, a linguist comes tearing across the tarmac, shouting 'NO! No! I've finished the translation! IT'S A COOKBOOK!"
The other scenario is of course found in the fabulous old film 'The Day The Earth Stood Still" with the gorgeous Michael Rennie as Klaatu. Aliens come here to warn us that if we attempt to take our warmongering ways off-planet, the intergalactic robot police force will blow us to oblivion.
I imagine either of these would be more likely than just some species cruising the universe looking to make new friends and share the wealth.
too curmudgeonly to believe in benevolent visitors
in another post i mentioned job a comedy of justice by robert heinlien.
the responses to the post got me thinking about other books that have affected me.
what books have had an impact on your life?
_The Dispossessed_ by Ursula LeGuin. Although almost all of LeGuin's work is wonderful, this novel moved me most deeply. It discusses social responsibility, anarchy, conscience and free will without ever becoming preachy; her style is elegant and simple, her characters beautifully etched. I reread it every few years. Currently I am reading a translation of the Tao that she worked on with a Chinese colleague. She has been teacher and touchstone for me for many years. Her numerous awards have all been very well deserved. I wish I had a tenth of her talent and clarity of thought.
A novelette by Roger Zelazny, _A Rose For Ecclesiastes_. A prose poem dedicated to the notion that free will can overcome prophetic doomsaying, set on Mars where 'the wind is a whip, the sun is a tarnished penny.'
A cautionary tale by Cyril Kornbluth called "The Marching Morons" should IMO be required reading for all intelligent beings. This short story can be found in several seminal science fiction anthologies.
Orwell and Aldous Huxley. Pick a book, enjoy mind expansion.
_Be Here Now_ by Baba Ram Dass.
Anything by Tom Robbins.
_Cat's Cradle_ by Kurt Vonnegut.
_Towing Jehovah_ by Robert Morrow.
Oh all you King fans, do you love the Gunslinger series? These are by far my fave of his whole body of work.
I read _Insomnia_ while I was in hospital a few years ago. I was reading the bit where the 'little doctors' were in the hospital cutting balloon threads... they were in room 213, room 215.... I sat in room 217 in my hospital sweating bullets; read right thru the night, too scared to turn the light off and go to sleep! LOL Talk about insomnia!
you said: "well, you have to admit it most da letters are boring".
i know your post was a spoof but i just wanted to say that many of us who chose da did so over life and death matters; what we thought was life with god or death with the slime that led the watchtower!!.
Hey COMF: do I get a prize for the correct answer? Cause we both know, the answer is "all of the above".
Now go stand under the mistletoe and pucker up, Mommie's gonna take her prize in holiday smackerels on your cute face.
about three years ago my future husband suggested i read a book by robert heilein called, job: a comedy of justice".
i reccommend this book to everyone and anyone that has been in any religion.
it is quite an amusing, but disturbing story about a minister that keeps being put into different lives.
Conflicted, a whole lot of people missed the comical aspects of Heinlein's Martian religion. Check out Church of All Worlds online; they follow the novel's religious outline as closely as possible. Smegging morons, but funny in a sick sort of way. Orgies as church service, 'thou art god' invoked as orgasmic truth. Nutters, based in Missouri... I met some of these folks in my communard days, they were seriously screwed up in '75 and have grown into institutional idiocy since then.
Heinlein was a sexist intellectual snob and his female characters pretty much make me wanna puke. He did write some ripping yarns for young men though. I admit a sneaking fondness for Lazarus Long, and his notion of zero-g childbirth is inspired, but IMO Heinlein is overrated as author and visionary. If CAW is his legacy, he got what he deserved.